Saturday, March 6, 2010

History In The Making

I'm not going to is kind of exciting to be here in Togo during the presidential elections this year. This will be a turning point for democracy in this country one way or the other. We are hoping and truly praying for God to protect this country and it's people through the elections as well as bring the right man to power in a fair and peaceful way.

So far we have been "quarantined" to the ship since Thursday evening. The elections took place Friday and seemed to have gone peacefully. We will probably have to stay safely ship bound through the weekend. We are not sure when the election results will be official, but could be as early as tonight - Sat., March 6. That is when the trouble will come if there is any. The opposition party (UFC) seems to be promising violence if the current president wins.

Here is an interesting article about the history of the 2 main parties. It really is 2 dynasties, whose history goes way back, that are more or less running against each other.

Here is another article about the latest in the elections. It seems like it is long from over. As of Friday and into today it seems that both main parties are claiming makes for a sicky situation.

My cousin Dani who is staying and working in town decided to stay for the elections unlike many of her fellow volunteers who fled to Ghana for the elections. I spoke to her tonight and she is doing well...spending most of the day at home on her roof armed with her radio, camera, and cell phone awaiting results.

So for now we continue to await the results and what future lies ahead for Togo as we hang out on the ship. I enjoyed a lovely Saturday morning making delicious Napalese food with the gurkhas, a birthday picnic on deck 8, and last night we had a ceilidh/barn dance on the dock. We usually find something exciting to do when 400+ crew are confined to a ship. I'm enjoying and making the most of my weekend off relaxing on ship:) Hope to get out sometime this week to see my cousin again.

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