Sunday, May 30, 2010

That time of year again!

So VVF has officially begun for this outreach. It is so wonderful to have my favorite ladies back. The day they all came was quite intense as we had to screen patients for 6 weeks of surgery in one day. On top of organizing 70 ladies from all over the country and neighboring countries we had to work lack of bedspace (anywhere-on ship and hospitality center) as well as many languages from the north which none of our translators know. The Lord was definitely in the day and much prayer went into it. The screening went faster than it ever has and we only turned down a few ladies. Last year we turned down SO many because they were too complicated or they had a different problems we could not fix. At the end of the day we filled the schedule, put 4 on a waiting list, and only turned away 6. As for the bedspace...we had to get creative and open up our extra ward just for housing and made little bunk beds. Nothing like puting 18 ladies in a room meant for 10:) Creativity and flexibility is always the name of the game here!

I was in charge that evening when we admitted everyone. Despite it seeming like mass chaos most of the evening it finished well. And there is never a dull moment when working with these ladies. My favorite part was teaching these woman how to do sitz baths with a syringe. Since some of the ladies speak a northern language that no one can translate I decided a demonstration would be best...fully clothed of course:) I got the pan and syringe and sat on the floor like I was doing it. It was quite funny. After doing it one of the ladies had a question about it, so the translator grabbed the syringe from me and proceeded to continue to demonstrate how to use the syring to clean "down there"...except she continued to demonstrate on me. Let me just say a bit akward, but all the ladies got a big kick out of it and some good laughs:)

The first dress ceremony was today...6 days after the first surgery. Five ladies danced and all five are dry!!!! Praise the Lord! The exitement for these ladies NEVER gets old.

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