Saturday, May 3, 2008

God's plans are bigger than ours

So this past week I had a crazy schedule and I had switched with someone to go camping so I ended up working nights last weekend and then had to work eve. shift Mon. I still got 5 hrs. of sleep in between which has become more normal for me than is probably healthy. I was ready for work and feeling fine and awake and actually excited to come to work again...which is also pretty normal for here...God is awesome:) Anyhoo...I showed up and Red was like...I can't believe you are working eve shift after you just got off must be so tired. I explained how it was kind of flukey and I felt fine and was ready to take the full patient load. She said they were going to be getting an infection patient into C ward later and a nurse would have to be in there so I would just get one patient. Usually I would get patients in D ward as well as that new admit...who was not even here yet. She said I could take it easy and play/ do activities with the kids on the wards and help out where needed. I kind of argued with her cause I really wanted to work and was fine. We had enough nurses though and she insisted. Then we were talking and discussing one of the guys who had been here for quite a while and was supposed to go home a while ago but his wound keeps oozing so he is still here. We were discussing how that was kind of odd and wondering why God still had him here. He is french speaking and often translators come here to lead worship songs and share scripture/testimonies on the ward, but since he is french speaking he probably does not take too much of that in. He can speak small small english but not much. make a long story short I used that eve. to grab one of the french speaking translators and talk to him a little bit. He is muslim and I didn't convert him to Christianity but hopefully planted a seed. I also ran into Andrew outside when I was looking for the translator and we had a really good talk for about 30 -45 minutes. He is back home now but now his house got washed away since it is right by the ocean and the water came up and I guess washed out several houses. Andrew has awesome faith, but was cool to be able to encourage him through that situation and talk to him about some other things as well. I believe God used that converstion to speak to both of us. I was able to help another nurse out later that evening who was super super busy, start an IV, and play some games with some of the patients as well. It ended up being a great evening. I was just really frustrated at the beginning and prayed that God would give me peace about the situation and it's so cool looking back and seeing how God had different plans for the evening and it ended up being great.:)

1 comment:

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you