Friday, April 3, 2009

Team Rockstar

The last week or so I have been working on D ward....the maxillo-facial surgery ward. It has been pretty busy in the evenings getting patients back late and having several little kiddos that have had some not so fun surgeries needing lots of care, meds, suctioning, etc. I have to say...I don't believe I would enjoy having those mouth surgeries, having my jaw wired shut and spitting up blood. It has been quite busy but I have been working I have been working with favorite Dutch Canadian and we do AWESOME team work if I don't say so myself.

Linda and I have so much fun together and work so well as a team....well...except the time we were drawing blood and I got stuck with a needle. I am good at IVs and she is a pediatric nurse so we went to another ward to draw blood for a baby. Well, long story short, after getting the blood I was holding the needle and she was trying to push up the safety cap and somehow I got poked (always a bit scary in Africa). Luckily it was a small needle and not deep and I bled a bit after. And again... God is SOOOO good....the patient's blood was negative for HIV and Hepatitis. I will get rechecked in another 3 and 6 it is still a prayer request, but God has been good! Now it's just a big joke. But we are a great team at drawing blood on kids I have to say! It is just quite humurous now when we do it and how far away from the needle we stay:)

Anyhoo...sorry about the rabbit trail. But Linda and I have had some busy days but manage to still laugh, have fun, and help each other out. After our run of evening shifts last week we went and had some cookies outside up on deck 8. It was quite entertaining. Around midnight we saw cars pull up to the ship next to us and people on the ship with flashlights so we made up this whole story of how they were dealing drugs and gonna throw a body overboard any moment. Well, it was entertaining to us anyway...I guess anything is at that time of night though:) It will be a sad day when she leaves in June:( I'm sure you will hear about her again;)
Oh, and random thought of the day: I have had about 6 people now (nurses and African day workers) ask me if Im Australian because of my accent. ..ya, I have no idea. But I thought that was kinda funny. Maybe that is what happens when you mix midwest accents with Texan ones;)


Mom said...

Need me to send you some binoculars?? Then again the stories you make up may be better anyways;)

me said...

do they say "pop" that why they ask where your from?

jgs said...

g'day mate!