Friday, June 18, 2010

Under Da Sea

One day, Olly asked some of his "kids" if we wanted to snorkel and clean the ship with him. So, while Olly did the scuba diving to clean underneath, we did the surface cleaning. Ali's dad who was visiting even got in on the action. The ship has to be cleaned every 2 weeks underneath ro keep the vents working and keep it ready for sailing, since ships are not so much meant to sit for months at a time. The vents and sides need to be scraped off because barnracles, sewage, etc. collects on the sides and bottom...mmmmmm. It is especially yummy as you scrape it off and it floats around your face.

A not so good picture of some of the stuff we scraped off the ship.

It was actaully pretty hard work but we got one whole side cleaned in an hour with 5 of us. Enjoyed a few fish, jellyfish (from a distance), and some stinging plants that grow on the ship...that my neck got to experience. I only swallowed one good gulp of the port water when I got a charlie horse...but I lived to tell about it:) And I think I'll volunteer again next time.

Julle and I attempting to get the water out of our boots so we don't track it all over the ship as we head to deck 8 to change.

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