Saturday, April 5, 2008


Every time some of the VVF ladies go home we had a dress ceremony to celebrate. Sometimes it is not the most exciting as many women do not get healed of their problem (leaking urine) during their first surgeries..and sometimes never. This can be very discouraging. However, most of the ladies here this time around for the surgery are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, surgeries and they have been healed and are now dry. This is SO exciting. There are only a few VVF ladies still here from when Dr. Steve was here to do surgeries. I think I talked about dress ceremonies in a different blog...but pretty much there is lots of music, drums, dancing, and celebration. All the ladies get new dresses to represent new life as they are now dry now. The ladies also share their testimonies....very tragic to say the least when they describe all they have been through. Well, one of the nurses typed up some of the testemonies from one of the last ceremonies and I thought I would share the email she sent to all of us nurses. Many of the ladeis who are still here have all gotten the same infection and that has been discouraging...that is what is being referred to in this email. It is so cool to see God working here....

Hi dear all,

Some of you have maybe heard allready the wonderfull testemonies of 3 beautiful ladies on the ward and the work Jesus did in their lives, but I really like to share it with you all.
I also like to encourage you, remember God is so faithfull and so personal!
Last weekend, if I may be honest, was a bit hard for me and I really asked God about the infections on the ward (especially the ladies). I asked the Father about it and realized one thing. God said;
'Bad things can happen.The devil wants to steal your joy, but don't allow him to do that! Turn this situation 180 degrees. Not 160 or 170, but 180 degrees. Turn it into the opposite, take a difficult situation and turn it into a good situation, turn it into a blessing for them! You have so much to give; give your love, minister to them, listen to their stories etc. Finally show them My love!'

So, I really like to encourage you, now and even in later situations. You have so much to give! This is a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus!

Well okay, enough for now. Hereby you'll find the testamonies. Enjoy them!

Esther (2nd VVF repair):

Esther came on March 14 to the ship. A girl of 24 years old. When I talked with her she told me she had a difficult past behind her.
She was living in a village and during the war, she and her family, had to flight in to the bush. The rebels came into the village.
At that time (18 years) she became pregnant. All the time during her pregnancy she lives in the bush. Finally the time came that she had to give birth. Esther was more than a week in labour. Than the time cam that she couldn’t walk anymore. Her brothers carried her to the hospital.
After that she gave birth, the baby died in one week and Esther started leaking.
She was leaking for years. She was crying and crying to the Lord.
One night that Esther went to bed, she had a dream…
Esther told:
‘I was crying to God and than I felt asleep. Than I got a dream. A man in white clothes came to me and talked with me. He said; ‘Come, the time was long enough, lets go for your operation.’ The man in white took me to the operation table and than I was healed. I was so glad! I was healed!!!
But than I woke up… Still I was leaking. I didn’t understand the dream. But than I heard from the white ship that came to Monrovia.
My grandmother and I were talking about this ship, but I had no money to go to Monrovia. But after a few day’s my grandmother came and gave me the money and send me to the ship.
So I got operated and… here I am and… I am dry!
God has healed me!!!

Elizabeth (Urethroplasty):
Elizabeth came on March 19 to the ship. Elizabeth is 49 years old and got 9 times pregnant. Only 5 children are still living. Elizabeth started leaking when she gave birth to her first child. She don’t remember at what age she gave birth. She knows that she was very young. In her testimony she told:
‘ I was leaking for a long long time. It was hard for me! I suffered a lot, but God also blessed me and I have still 5 childeren. Even though it was very hard. On night I was crying and shouting to God; ‘Help me!’ And than I got a dream…
A man in white came to me and stood beside me. He carried a white towel. He laid his hand on me and with this white towel he wiped my tears.
Later on I woke up and was so encouraged!
Than I heard from Mercy Ships and I went to the ship. I got this operation and… Praise God, I am dry!’

Jawara Jenreba (PV Sling):
Jawara, 29 years came for the 2nd time to the ship. After the first surgery she was still leaking. She is a pretty girl, and was teaching the nurses Pele. She was always optimistic and said; ‘ Balika Melika’ (Thanks God).
This time was a hard time for her. She had pain in her stomach and the wounds were hurting. She felt weak and had to go to isolation by typhoid.
Later on she went home. Last week she came back and told us;
‘I felt so down and depressed. After my first surgery I was leaking. It was no life for me. I didn’t want to life anymore and I thought about suicide.
But than I heard Mercy Ships came back again. I thought; ‘this is the last thing I want to try’. And now I had surgery and I am dry! And even I am menstruating again.
I found new life!’ Balika Melika!

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