Friday, March 14, 2008


Yep, still trying to get used to the way they write dates here. Good times. Today was great...slept in til 1030!:) Worked evening shift. Slow at the beg. but then after I got my patient back from OR it was crazy. She had a mouth absess removed...but then in recovery spiked a fever, bp dropped...prob. septic...(big infection). guess who got her! So I spent my evening hoping she wouldnt crash on me...but luckily we have great doctors and they come right when u Dr. Mark came down and we got some blood culutres, I put a foley in, started bolusing her with lots of fluids. She still seemed kinda sketchy when I left, but hope she is ok. I think her bp got as low as 79 systolic a couple times...ya...eek. Then on top of that I still had 2 other dressing changes to that takes 20 minutes...crazy dressing...he has holes all over his chest pretty much that had drains...most of which are out not. He had had a huge mouth infection as well before he came to the ship. All of us on D ward tonight were running like crazy. We all had post op patients and patietns with NGs needing tube feeds, suctioning, dressing changes. Sure made time go fast though.

Anyhoo...enough about the medical stuff. I have the weekend off and I think 20-30 of us younger ppl are takin the land rovers to Bong Mines. Leave here at 630 am and put the land rovers on trains...for 2.5 hrs...then get off and drive up a mountain..and hike...but no swimming this time...I guess they tried that last time and the ppl who did are still on meds for the parasites they aquired...mmm. ANyhoo....Im excited..Im sure you'll hear about it. :)

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