Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jogging in Liberia..and other thoughts...

So today I ventured out on the streets in Liberia with "Red"..(she has red hair...hence the nicname). ..to go for a 3 mile jog and dodge cars, bikes, and pedestrians. It was so nice to actually run somewhere...and it was like running a 5k race...cause we had Africans..moslty male...cheering us on the whole time...lol. Anyhoo...we survived.
Earlier today they had a dress ceremony for the VVF ladies. I dont know if I have explained the whole thing yet, but pretty much before they have surgery they have urine running down there legs constatnly and are a social outcast. Well, after the surgery when they are dry (sometimes the surgery doesnt work) they are given new dresses to represent their new life. There was very lively African music and dance on the ward and each of the ladies who left gave their testimony. Very touching and SOOO cool to be a part of such a life changing experience for these ladies. Although often times it involves loving on the ladies when after they have surgery they are still not dry...I took care of 2 of these ladies today...I cant imagine how discouraging that is. And for many of the ladies this is their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th surgery.
The last two days have been super busy in the ward...but there is a boy named Abraham who came in because of excessive playing after his hernia surgery..so it would close and it got infected. He is SOOO cute and never ceases to make me remember the reason I am there and to be joyful in all situations...not focusing on the medical work...but taking time to love on God's children. Working here you have to be flexible and just do your best with what you have. As I would hustle around every now and then I wuold feel him poking my leg or asking me to hold him and spin him around...so of course I found myself taking breaks in what I am doing to love on the little guy. I will put a picture up here of him.
Sunday I went to a new church that had lots of kids since it is a school too. It was so cool watching them as they did sunday school and leading worship at church. It made me think of what I had been reading in Matthew..."let the little children come unto me"...and having childlike faith. They were all so happy and joyful...and carefree. And it made me chuckle cause every time someone says praise the Lord...the response is always Amen. During the sunday school lesson some kids would start staring off, but as soon as the pastor would say praise God (which was quite often) all the kids would respond Amen. Ok, so maybe you have to be here to appreciate it, but it was so cute. I guess it is a good way for pastors to keep the congregations paying attention too:) After church they even made us dinner...rice and casava...cooked greens..and peppers..very hot peppers. Was sooo yummy though..and so touching as I know no one here has extra money just hanging around.
And for entertainment purposes...you should check out the blog of Dr. Mark and Dr. Peggy. They are a young married couple here from New York. They are very fun and both doctors...Mark does many of the face/neck surgeries. They wrote a great blog about taking health history on patients here..quite different from back home. http://mercyinafrica.blogspot.com/. It is the second entry (march 10).


me said...

its like you are a real character on the video game "Super busy hospital"...

M said...

hey, liz! thanks for the shout-out. :)