Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 2 and stayin alive

So today I worked the evening shift...tomorrow is my first day on my own. Since all the patients are so different all I can do is throw my hands in the air and say, well, here we go...jumpin in with both feet and we'll see what happens. Glad God is my partner and can use me to do things I never dreamed I could:) Today one of the nurse here had an emergency appendectomy...I think it's the first time they have had a crew member get surgery here...she is now down in the icu. She should be fine. I guess there has been a crew member with malaria that was actually on a ventilator here who they shipped off to england and made it as well. That would be pretty scary though...being in ICU on a vent on here...eek...u should see some of the machines:) Anyhoo..I digress...I took care of a female who had had a goiter removed, a guy with a tumor on his back that had been removed and a little boy...5yrs old with burkett's lymphoma...cancer. Cutest thing ever and SO joyous despite the situation. I enjoyed playing with the kids. I love how all the patients and caregivers get up and visit with everyone...we all sang some praise songs together and I think it is so cool to have kids and adults on the same ward. Watching the kids chase balloons around made sure cheered some of them up that really needed it. Im still doin well...although this mornin woke up and went to bkfst feelin fine...then after breakfast thnought for sure I was gonna barf. I was afraid to get embarassin would that have So I skiipped the heath care devo and went back to bed...taking a garbage bag with me just in case. But after a nap I felt clue what that was all about. Ok, sorry these are so long!

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