Friday, March 21, 2008


So I survived my first night shift last night...went really well actually...and I stayed awake the whole time, no prob...even with me running 3 miles and playing flag football before...(prob. not the smartest idea). But maybe that helped me stay awake. I worked in A ward with the VVF ladies. So cool to be in there with all of them. There were 2 of us in there with 20 patients, but once it got past 11pm it was really quiet for the most part all night. The best part of night shift is looking forward to 4am when Albert, the baker from Germany, has his fresh croissants ready. We go up and get them hot off the press. We are spoiled to have him..he starts at 1am every morning making fresh rolls and croissants. SOOO yummy..but I hear he is leaving in a few weeks. I went to bed at 730 and got up at 1215 to go downtown for Pricilla's birthday and go to the craft market. I went down to ask about scheduling quick and got a pleasant suprise...I get tonight off:) So just work Sat. and Sun. night now. There were 8 girls that took 2 cabs downtown to eat and hang out..was a wonderful fun and relaxing afternoon.
Tonight a different group of us went to eat at Sajj...lebanese food..but also pizza's etc. Was super fun. On the way back we did not have enough room in the one vehicle so a few of us volunteered to walk back and catch a cab. Two guys and two girls...prob. not the brightest thing we have ever done..but we were planning on catching a cab. We were enjoying walking though so we ended up walking the whole way...2 hrs. and made it back just in time for curfew @11...good times. As we were walking I realized there were 4 of us from 4 different countries walking together...Canada, Scottland, America, and South cool. We had some interesting experiences on the way back home, including seeing a girl get slapped upside the head quite harshly by some guy...we just hurried by. Plus we were always kept on our toes by watching for the random uncovered manholes in the sidewalks...not so pleasant to fall into I dont think. At dinner I had pita bread and hummus and a shwarma...mmmm. As we were waiting for our food the generator/electricity went out...I was wondering if we were gonna get our food...but it did come back on. Anyhoo...I am planning on sleeping in tomorrow then working at 7pm. As far as Easter...I should be able to stay awake Sunday for the Easter service on the dock here at 8am after I get off.


jgs said...

whats with all the straws in the coke cans?! weirdos. :)

me said...

The straws are there to warn Liz when laughing that the can is near...kinda of "warning straw" you might say...

jgs said...

might i suggest that Liz continues using staws when she returns home... kind of a protective strategy for her own safety.